
Hatice USLU

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Foresty, Food Engineer

Hatice Uslu graduated from the Hacettepe University Food Engineering Department in 2004 and began working as a Hygiene Associate in the Antalya Airport Restaurants.  She has been employed in the public sector since 2005, under the Food Operators and Codex Demartment of the Ministry of Agriculture and Foresty. Her responsibilities include the preparation and EU harmonization of national legislation on "food contact substances and materials" and "fats and oils." Uslu attended a three-month training on food contact materials at the Michigan State University School of Packaging with a Ministry scholarship, where she completed a comparative study of the EU and US legislation on food contact materials.  She also participated in EU twinning projects and took part in national and international training events as trainer. Uslu has further degrees in Media and Communication and International Relations from the Anadolu University Faculty of Open Learning.  Uslu speaks English and is an amateur photographer.